Blog posts of '2022' 'January'

Improving Your Golf Game

Golf course accessories are a fun way to either add obstacles or make things easier
when you are out golfing, but what if you want to improve your game? Many avid golfers get
stuck in a rut of the same old thing and just accept that they are only going to be so good. There
are many techniques you can use to improve your game and get better each time that you
practice. Below is a short list of things that you can do to improve your golf game.
1. Make sure your vision is ok: You should make sure that you are visiting your
optometrist annually to check that your vision has not changed. Ensuring your vision is
at its best will make sure that your swing is not hindered by any outside reason.
2. Get fit for your club: Over 2/3 of avid golfers are using the wrong size club. Using the
wrong size club will hinder your performance without you even realizing it.
3. Hold your pose: Holding your pose at the end of your swing will complete the swing and
make sure that the swing is in sync. This will become great muscle memory for your
technique moving forward.
4. Practice with your worst ball: Practicing with the worst ball that you have noticed lacks
in performance will condition your swing for adversity. This will allow you to perform at
your best during the best and worst of conditions.
5. Practice pitching sidearm: When you throw a ball with your sidearm it will naturally
cause your weight to shift from your back foot to your front foot through the side of
your body. This is the same muscle technique used in a proper swing. Practicing the
sidearm throw will help you condition your body for a proper swing.
If you are utilizing golf course accessories to help improve your golf game, we suggest trying
some of the above techniques as well.

Golfing In The Winter

Golfing in the snow is a great winter past time. Many people often wonder if
it is even possible, and the answer is yes! However, it is not nearly as “easy” as it is
during the warmer months – not that golf is ever considered easy. Making sure you
have the best driving range equipment can ensure you have your best shot at a
successful swing. Of course the biggest difference between snow golf and summer
golf is there is snow and ice rather than grass! In fact, they call in the “whites”
instead of the “greens.” This one change can make for an entirely new experience.
The temperatures in the winter can make it difficult to stay warm and
precisely hit the ball. You lose the most heat through your hands and head so it is
best to wear proper coverings. Consider wearing a warm hat and flexible gloves.
Your hands will be best kept warm if you add hand warmers inside your gloves so
that you can have a proper swing. Wear lightweight clothing so that you can move
your body with agility. It is harder to hit the ball just as far in the winter as it is in
the summer so you will want to prepare as best as possible. Having the best driving
range equipment possible is the only way to make sure stand the best shot at having
a successful snow golf experience.
We have a wide range of the best driving range equipment available. If you
have any questions about the right fit for your body type, size, or event we would be
happy to help advise you. We look forward to helping you have fun this winter
engaging in snow golf!