Blog posts tagged with 'golfing'

5 Essential Items for Golfing in the Summer


With summer well on its way for many parts of the country, golfers are preparing to hit the course and enjoy some much needed sunshine. Although there are always some items that golfers should have on them, the hot weather means that we can add or change a few of them to accommodate the temperature change. Here are some of our top items to bring with you on the golf course in the summer. 


Moisture Wicking clothing- This material type is ideal for the golf course and is available in all different styles, colors, and even sleeve lengths. The right clothes can make a big difference in your comfort when you hit the course, especially if you are going when the sun is high. The cloth itself is what absorbs the sweat yet avoids making the material wet and sweaty. 


Hydrate- Yes this is important year round, but in the heat it is even more important. COVID19 restrictions have made it so more courses are allowing you to bring your own beverages and if you are using a golf cart, take advantage of the space. Water, Gatorade, or another sports drink can be put in a cooler with a few ice packs to keep you safe on the course. 


Sunscreen- Another year round essential but during the summer months, it is even more important to be reapplying sunscreen, especially on the arms, back of the neck, and face. If you don’t want to constantly be reapplying, consider using sun sleeves as another alternative. 


Cooling towel- A great solution to hot days, this towel can even be kept in your drink cooler and then brought out when you need it. For the best relief, apply it to the back of the neck while you walk to your next shot. 


Breathable socks- Sweaty socks can cause a lot of problems on your feet so make sure to protect them with the right pair of socks. Many golfers use wool socks and others even change socks while on the course. Whatever it takes to keep your feet dry is ideal. 

Spending time on the golf course is a great way to pass the time during summer. We sell driving range equipment as well as golf ball barrier netting to keep you safe while on the range and course.

Exercise Tips for Golfers

Many non-golfers tend to think of the sport as rather sedentary. Nothing can be further from the truth. Golfers, especially those who have not played in a while, know that it can be quite challenging to play an entire 18 hole round of golf. Thus, your entire golf game can be greatly determined by your level of fitness. Here are some tips that will you keep in good physical condition and help you to be a better golfer.
First, you will need to improve your flexibility while at the same time you will also need to improve your strength in order to be in the best condition for the sport. This means that you will want to emphasize exercises that build lean muscle over bulky muscles. You can do this by working with lower weights. This will allow you to improve your muscle strength in order to make those long driving shots. Our best advice: Resist the urge to lift weights that are heavier than 10 pounds. This will usually result in bulky muscles rather than lean ones.
Next, you should be sure that you are in good aerobic condition. Golf may be a rather slow moving sport, but it does typically involve great amounts of walking. The best way to do this is to add walking and/or jogging to your workout routine. If you do not, you may begin to experience back or leg pain while you are playing and become fatigued.
Stretching also helps when it comes to golfing. You should not only add stretching to your at-home (or gym) workout routine, you should also remember to stretch both before, while and after your golf game. This will help you prevent some common injuries related to the sport.
Finally, as you are playing golf it is very important to remember that you are often out in the very hot sun. For this reason, golfers should always keep an ample supply of water with them in order to remain well hydrated during the game. If you become overheated or dehydrated, it will start to hinder your game. This is important no matter what type of exercise you are doing or what kind of sport you are undertaking.
Ultimately, a bit of carefully planned and executed exercise can go a long way towards helping you to improve your golf game. So too can the right equipment. We have a complete line of quality golf course accessories and miniature golf supplies that will ensure you are always properly equipped while you are on the course.

Choosing the Right Golf Bag

A golf bag is one of the most important tools a golfer can have. They help the clubs not tangle, making the grips last longer, and extracting the right club is easier during play. We will be looking at several different types of golf bags to help you determine which bag might be right for you. 


Staff Bag- If you are lucky enough to have someone carry around your bag while on the course, this heavy duty bag offers a little more club protection but should only be used by professionals who regularly compete in high-level tournaments. 


Cart Bags- These bags were designed to be put on the back of a golf cart and feature a recognizable single strap that offers support as they are carried around. They are generally lightweight yet still have forward facing pockets and storage compartments for your clubs. 


Stand Bags- The name gives it away, these bags have a built in stand that can be pulled out providing security as you play. Stand bags can vary in style and weight but are generally no more than 7-8 pounds making them easy to take around the course. 


Carry Bags- Want to sneak away for a little morning golf? Carry bags are ideal for this because they are the most compact bags that are easy to carry. They are designed to have the bare minimum you need to play but still hold everything together. 

What is the most important regardless of the type of bag is pockets, pockets, pockets. All of these bags have a pocket somewhere and it is always a good idea to have extra space for your keys, wallet etc to keep everything with you on the course. Your golf bag is a representation of your personality as well so have fun with the colors and style as well. For driving range equipment and golf course accessories, we are ready to work with you.

5 Great Snacks to Eat While Golfing

Keeping your energy up while playing golf is very important. Along with the amount of exercise you are getting by playing, the sun is also there, draining you of energy. Here is a list of 5 great snacks to eat while golfing that will keep you energized. 

  1. Energy Bars- With so many types of bars available now, there is something for everyone. Finding a bar that is made out of natural ingredients helps to keep you full while playing. They are easy to slip into the pocket of your golf bag or to keep on hand in the cart.

  2. Trail mix- Having a healthy mix of different nuts like almonds, walnuts, or cashews is easy to make at home or find in a store. Leave the sugary bits out though, you don’t want to crash while playing and mess up your score. 

  3. Beef Jerky- A classic choice due to being high in protein, beef jerky is a great snack to keep on you. Finding a low sodium option is another way to keep you from getting dehydrated and playing at your best. 

  4. Veggies- Best prepped at home and brought in a cooler, fresh vegetables are a crunchy snack that can be enjoyed by themselves or with a dip like hummus. Carrots, celery, and even broccoli are perfect choices. 

  5. Water- While it may not be as satisfying as the other snacks on this list, staying hydrated is the #1 best thing you can do for yourself while on the golf course, especially when playing during the late morning and afternoon when the sun is at its highest. 

Giving your body the best fuel is how to keep and maintain your spirits as you play. You might even cut a few strokes off, what could be better! For the quality golfing supplies and golf course accessories, we have a range of items for any level golfer.



Parts of a Golf Course

Every golf course has a different layout, features, and challenges. However, understanding the basic parts of a golf course will help you adapt to each course. We will be breaking down the 5 major parts of any golf course to give you a basic understanding of what to expect. 


Tee- Each hole begins on a close cut area of grass, known as the tee. The majority of courses have several tee boxes that allow players to choose their starting point depending on their skill level. 


Fairway- Finding the fairway is essential to becoming a great golfer. Identifiable based on the short cut grass, the fairway is located between the tee box and the green. Don’t forget to pay attention to the different types of grass, different shots may prove to be more useful. 


Rough- The longer cut area of grass that surrounds the fairway and green should be avoided. The grass on this part of the course is usually longer, requiring you to use more club. 


Green- Players putt once they reach the green where the hole is located. The grass dictates a lot of what level of power to use while putting so make sure to check if it is wet or dry. The conditions largely depend on the conditions of the overall course. 


Hazards- Lakes, creeks, ponds, or any place marked with yellow or red stakes are hazards. If the ball is found there and can be played, go for it. However, if it cannot, you take a one stroke penalty. A note on sand traps, they are also considered to be hazards but they can be hit out of with no penalty. 


Now that you understand a little more about what to look for on a golf course, make sure you have the right golf accessories and driving range equipment to set you up for success.



5 Driving-range Rules you Should Always Follow

Practicing at a driving range is an excellent way to improve your game. It is also a lot of fun. However, one thing that can take away from the enjoyment of this activity is when people forget that there are others around who are trying to improve/enjoy themselves. To this end, everyone should always follow the rules and be courteous of the facility and others who will be using the range. Here are a few rules of thumb for the driving range that you should know and follow so that everyone can have fun.

  •          Respect the facility: Every driving range has a different set of rules set out for the people who will be using the facility. For example, some facilities will allow you to hit from the mat, while others will restrict this and allow you to only hit the ball off the grass. Learn and follow these rules in order to ensure that everyone has good time.
  •          Do not offer tips or advice to other golfers: There are few things more annoying than unsolicited advice when you are trying to improve your game. Therefore, even if you see someone using improper form, don’t say anything. Keep your eyes and mind on your own game. If someone asks you for advice and you can help them then that is another thing entirely. Above all else, always be courteous and respectful.
  •          Use caution when swinging your club: Be aware of your surroundings at all time. Try to maintain at least a two driver club-lengths distance away from other golfers. Moreover, look before you swing to make sure that no one is behind you or about to walk around you. Finally, never retrieve balls on the range while others are striking their balls. You may be hit by a ball and sustain a serious injury.
  •          Stay off the cell phone: Spare people your pointless conversation and stay off the cell phone while you are at the driving range. It is rude, distracting and can cause arguments. Besides, many people come to driving ranges to escape such distractions and you aren’t doing anyone a favor by talking on your mobile device.
  •          Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you: Some people abscond with golf balls while they are on the range. This is wrong. There is a cost to the owner of replacing pilfered driving range equipment and golf course accessories as this cost impacts everyone who uses the facility.

In short, it’s all about remembering why you and others are at the driving range in the first place. You and they there are to have a good time and to hopefully improve your game. You can do so by being courteous and respectful of others and the facility.